About Us

Our charity, The Parks Foundation, aims to create inspirational urban parks throughout Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (in Dorset, on the South Coast of England), designed to improve people’s health and wellbeing, reconnect them with nature, and bring diverse communities together.

Although independent from Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole (BCP) Council, we work closely with them and with BCP residents to help achieve our charitable objects, to:

• enhance some of the 450+ parks and green spaces in the BCP area
• educate the public (including visitors and the c.400,000 residents), especially around conservation, ecology and heritage
• provide recreational facilities which improve social welfare for those living in the area

Most of our park improvements are located within our area’s most deprived communities. To date, we have created new play parks and installed drinking fountains, added wildlife areas and educational information, and opened social enterprise park cafes and a visitors’ centre. We also run ongoing activities, such as park yoga, nature events, and our ecotherapy programme, Parks in Mind, for those facing mental and physical health challenges.

Our current focus is helping nature to recover within our urban area. We are transforming 11 local urban parks so that wildlife has a place to thrive. We’re sowing wildflowers, planting bulbs and trees and are creating ponds and hedges. We are also delivering inspiring activities for residents so they can learn more about the nature on their doorstep.

We know that spending time in our parks, whether that be walking, exercising, reading or playing, reduces our anxiety and depression; that time has been calculated to save the NHS £111M per year in reduced GP visits alone. Transforming the parks will help both us and wildlife flourish.

Press releases

Nature Recovery In Urban Parks

As spring bursts into life, we’re spending time in our parks and gardens, are listening to birdsong and are watching the butterflies and... read more

22.04.2022 • By The Parks Foundation
